Weichi He

Graphic and type designer born in Santiago, Chile. Currently working at Lineto and graduated from the MA in Type Design at Ecal (2020). Following his bachelor design studies at the Pontifical University of Chile (PUC), he went on to establish an independent practice by working on commissioned and self-initiated projects involving visual communication. His work spans from visual identities to editorial design, and from printed matter to digital, with a systematic approach and focus on typography.

LL Champion available at Lineto
LL Tabletten available at Lineto
LL Pirelli available at Lineto
LL Moonbase available at Lineto
Max Fett available at Ecal Typefaces

Last updated on 19.01.2024 


+41 78 302 58 00
Zürich, Switzerland
During the course of Julia Born, we worked with Type on Type, a lecture/essay from Shannon Ebner in which she discusses the work of Hilla and Berndt Becher and pairs it with an excerpt of Gertrude Stein’s Making of Americans.

The book stresses the idea of fragmentation and repetition, and how content can be rearranged to create something new: repetition is not the same as being repetitive.

By switching the binding side you get a different book, a different view, a different order, a different rhythm, and a different page count within the same content.
*Project selected for the It’s a Book Publishing Fair 2019 at HGB Leipzig.

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